“You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can’t have it.” —Dr. Robert Anthony

Do you truly believe you can have the things that you desire most in your life? If you don’t truly believe you can have what you desire, you will not achieve your desires. The law of attraction is always at work. We attract that which we think about. If we think we cannot have something, we write our own ending and make it so. Likewise, when we give up limiting beliefs, we can turn the page and write a new story.

Giving up limiting beliefs isn’t easy. At some point, our limiting beliefs probably served a purpose. Perhaps they kept us safe from an adult that could hurt us with words or might, or they protected us from other children in school. When we carry these beliefs into adulthood, there comes a time when we have to “lay them to rest” if we truly want to reach our full potential. To lay a limiting belief to rest, we must first be very conscious of the belief. We have to be able to articulate the current negative belief and then the new belief we want to lay in its place. Every time the negative belief or pattern emerges, replace it with the new belief. It is best to do this aloud, in the mirror, or by writing down our belief, rather than just thinking it.

Your Turn:
Identify at least three self-limiting beliefs. Articulate each limiting
belief in a single sentence. Next, write a positive statement
to counteract the limiting belief. Each time you catch
yourself engaging in negative thought, turn to a blank page in
your journal and write your positive belief until the negative
feeling disappears.

Today’s Affirmation:
I shed limiting and negative beliefs, and put positive and supportive
thoughts in their place.

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