“Those who have found tranquility are calm and pleasant to be with.” —Zen saying, excerpted from A Thousand Paths to Tranquility

Since our day is greatly dependent on how
we begin our mornings, give yourself some extra time to calmly
organize for your day. I know this can be hard. I am not a
morning person. If it was up to me, life would start around
11:00 a.m. But, it isn’t up to me, so if you can’t beat them,
join them.
I bound out of bed every day by 5:30 or 6:00 and give myself
thirty or sixty minutes to center, sort, and get in the right mindset
to face the day. I do some positive reading, I put on my
makeup, I write my affirmations, take a look outside, I say a
quick prayer. I don’t oversleep very often, but when I do and
don’t have this “centered time,” my day looks more like “A
Thousands Paths to Chaos” than the quote above from A Thousand
Paths to Tranquility.

For those of you with school-age children, try to get in this
habit now, before the start of the school year. It will be much
easier to wake up your children with a smile and a compliment
if you have had that cup of coffee and a chance to
center yourself. Morning should be a pleasant time, not a
mad dash and scramble to get everyone directed down their
path for the day. Everyone will feel so much better, all the
day through, by getting a confident and calming send-off first
thing in the morning.

Your Turn:
Find fifteen to thirty minutes of time for YOU in the morning.
Tune out daily demands and pressures and tune into the positive.
Consider reading a positive passage from a book, writing
affirmations or reading them aloud, or writing in a journal.
Give yourself some “soul food” to begin your day.

Today’s Affirmation:
I care for myself and in turn care better for others when I give
myself morning reflective time.

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