“The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be.” —Shakti Gawain

A simple sentence can have so much power behind it. I have always loved the work of Shakti Gawain. I was fortunate to stumble across her book Creative Visualization when I was only fourteen years old. That book taught me the power of my own thinking and how to use affirmations to improve the quality of my life (and eliminate self-destructive habits). The concept here is simple: Each day, we have the power to choose how much light we let in and how much light we cast around us. We let light in by “feeding the soul,” through good deeds, kindness, and prayer.

Your Turn:
Imagine that you have a “Spiritual Bank Account.” Each time
you pray, do an act of kindness or practice positive self
reflection, a deposit is made into that register. That balance
determines the light within you and thus the light you can

shine onto others. How does your account look? If it is looking
like things might “bounce,” grab your short-term to-do list and
make some plans to fix it.

Today’s Affirmation:
Today, I renew my commitment to refuel and re-energize
so that I may have more light within to cast onto the world
around me.

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