“A good book has no ending.” —R.D. Cumming

Good morning! Intrigued by the title, I bought the book Eat, Pray, Love when I first saw it on the shelf. Within several pages I fell in love with the book and began raving about it to everyone I know. It is one of the few books I have encountered that had me laughing out loud, nodding in recognition, and shedding a tear.My daughter finds it amusing that the book has been sitting on my nightstand for months unfinished. “I thought it is one of your favorite books of all time, Mom?” “It is,” I exclaimed, noting the bookmark tucked about fifty pages from the ending. “And I just don’t want it to end!” While I don’t think that was exactly what R.D. Cummings had in mind with his quote, I have always been one to savor rich books. For me, truly captivating reads are hard to find, and when I am fortunate enough to come across one, it acts like a vacation, rejuvenating mind, body, and soul.The American Association of Publishers founded Get Caught Reading month as a nationwide campaign to remind people of all ages how much fun it is to read. The reminder is well warranted, given an Associated Press poll revealing that, on average, only one out of four people read a book last year. Obviously, you are among this twenty-five percent so thank you for choosing this book to invest your time in.

Consider celebrating Get Caught Reading month by joining a book club, starting a book club, or trying a book from a new genre or new topic of interest.

I enrich my life through reading.

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