“Each day comes bearing a gift"

“Each day comes bearing a gift. Untie the ribbon.”

Hello there! I had seen a variation of this once before
(“life is a gift, untie the ribbon”) so I was pleased when a reader
sent in this original quote and its source.
I think it is a beautiful reminder of how lucky we all are to be
here, regardless of our circumstances or current challenges.
Sometimes obstacles can seem so large or insurmountable
that we forget we are still the recipients of the greatest gift—
life. When faced with the seemingly insurmountable, we often
forget to untie the ribbon of this gift.

No matter where you are in your life, or what challenges you
face short- or long-term, take a moment to be thankful for the
gift of life. Then, go untie a ribbon today.

Life is a gift and I untie the ribbon.

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