“A peaceful home is as sacred a place as any chapel or cathedral.”

 This Sunday, take a moment to think about your home and the comfort of your home. As we head toward the season of holidays, it is a perfect time to think about how you can make your home more peaceful and enjoyable for the family.Is there a clutter filled room you can simplify? (If you are a pack rat and the thought of throwing something away makesyou cringe, just box up some items for now. You’ll likely love the simplicity, but if not, you can easily put them back!)

Would adding a new painting or a plant (or, if you aren’t a
green thumb, a nice silk plant) give a fresh look to a tired
room? How about new pillows to add color? Or rearranging
the furniture?

Think of one way to make your home more comfortable and wel-
coming this week, and then take action to achieve your goal.

My home is peaceful and welcoming and a place to rejuvenate.

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